Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Crazy Colours

I really liked this project because it was different from anything I've ever drawn, or for this example, painted. I feel like this was one of my better projects that I've done. One reason being because it was something I really enjoyed making, other than having to draw something that everyone has to draw to. This project turned out pretty good, and everything seemed to look right when I was done making it. The only thing about this project that didn't work out to well was trying to find water colours that weren't so alike so the picture didn't have repeating colours. If I were to redo this project the only thing that I would change would be that I would have used pastel chalks instead, so it would have been more colourful. Overall, there were no big mistakes that I found while making this project and I learned that if the project is something that I get to choose, it turns out a little better.

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