Friday, May 3, 2013

Art Career-Interior Design

I picked interior design because its seems like a really cool career to pursue. Another reason why I picked this career is because when you walk into a house or shop, one of the first things you notice is the way the place looks...and I want the place I'm designing to look beautiful inside. The average yearly salary for this career is $39,458. In this career I would have to make blue prints and layouts of what I would like the room to look like. I would have to include things like furniture, windows, color of the walls, and fixtures.

A good college to go to for this career would be the Art Institutes, or another art related school. I would  need a minimum of 2 years, but I'd like to go at least 3-4 years. For this job I would be working with other interior designers, ones that could help me if I needed help with something. But also for this job I would also consider working alone, because most of my research says to start off on your own first, like designing rooms in your house. After doing research I am not sure if I'd still like to do interior design, it might be fun but its not really my thing.  

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