Thursday, January 17, 2013

Clay Project

The project was my all time favorite project so far in this class. I love working with clay and It makes me feel good because my projects always go to my mom for Christmas and she loves them. I feel like I was very successful on this project, I really put a lot of thought into this project and I had a good time making it look real nice. Everything worked about this project, I didn't have a problem with it at all. This was my favorite project so far so I wouldn't change anything about this project. The most difficult part about this project was trying not to let the colors drip into each other, but I'm hoping it wont be that noticeable. From this project I learned that if you don't always make your project for yourself, you will put more effort into it. So therefore this is my all time favorite project and I love making clay projects every year, and Mr. Puffpaff should do this project every year because it is super fun and everyone can do this project.

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